Billing & Payments

We provide the following to help you manage your credit exposure:


  • You can check your usage at any time by logging into MyDodo.
  • You can restrict certain services (such as some call types and Premium SMS) associated with higher fees.
  • For some account types, if you incur usage charges that are significantly higher than your monthly service fee, we will notify you by SMS and/or email.
  • Our mobile plans will alert you when you have reached 50%, 85% and 100% of your included value.
  • A number of our services have interim billing once you reach certain levels in excess of your monthly plan fee. This should be taken as advice to check your spend and see how you can better manage your usage. We can assist you to re-assess your needs.
  • If you find that you are often exceeding your monthly call or data allowances, consider upgrading to one of our plans which feature unlimited services.
  • If you are out of contract, you can switch a mobile or mobile broadband service to a pre-paid plan where you pay for a certain amount in advance.
  • Not all charges will necessarily appear on your bill in the month in which it occurs. Occasionally there may be delays in charges being passed onto us by our wholesalers. We are not permitted to bill you for any charges older than 160 days. Delays in unbilled charges are usually from overseas usage or premium and third party services.
  • All of our Spend Management Tools come free of charge.

You can view, download or print your current bill and previous bills from your MyDodo account.

  1. Log in and click the Billing information quick link.
select your plan type


If you have multiple services, choose the account you wish to view from the list.

select your plan type


  1. From the dropdown select from Latest Invoice or Previous Invoice.
Select the invoice from the drop down


4. Click View Invoice*.

View invoice button


*Please enable pop-ups in your browser settings to view invoices



What should I do if I don’t understand a charge on my invoice?

If you’ve received an energy invoice that’s higher than usual, it could be due to a number of different reasons.

We have listed some of the more commonly occurring reasons below.


Estimated Invoice

  • It’s possible that you have received a higher invoice as it is an estimated read.  Your invoice could have been estimated because
    • The meter reader had difficulty accessing your meter.  This usually happens if your meter has been installed indoors, is behind a locked gate or is guarded by a pet pooch.
    • If you have a smart meter, connection dropouts can sometimes happen.  In this case, your distributor or meter data provider sends DPG an estimate based on your past usage.
    • Bad weather
  • To avoid estimated invoices, you should always ensure safe and unhindered access to your meter.

    You can also submit your own meter reads.

    Learn more on How to read your meter


Change in season

  • Hot summers and cold winters can be contributing factors in a high bill.  Use of cooling and heating appliances can increase your usage.
  • To check if you are using more energy than usual, you can compare your usage to the same time last year.


Billing period

  • Your energy invoice rarely has the exact number of days in each billing period.
  • As such, your higher invoice could be due to a greater number of days in the billing period.
  • You can check the number of days in your billing cycle in the “Understand your bill” section.


Previous invoice

  • Has a balance from your previous invoice been brought forward?  You can find out by checking the “Balance Brought Forward” in the “Understand your bill” section.


Price increase

  • Has a price increase occurred during your billing period.
  • You will be notified of all price changes in advance.


Change in solar tariff

  • Occasionally, the solar feed-in-tariff may change. If you tariff changes, we will notify you ahead of the change.
  • You can see your solar credits in the “Rate description” section of “Understand your bill”.



  • If you've recently bought new appliances, they may be consuming more power than you realise - particularly if the appliance uses stand-by power.
  • Are there any faulty or old appliances that could be using more energy?  To find how much energy your appliances use, visit


Spending more time at home

  • If you are spending more time working from home, the kids are on school holidays or you've got friends or family visiting, spending more time at home may be the cause of a higher invoice.


Recent move

  • If you have moved recently, your new home may be larger, less energy efficient or your tariff or pricing may be different.



  • Check on your invoice to see if the relevant concessions, rebates or grants have been applied.
  • They should appear in the “Credits” section under “Understand your bill”.


Read our energy tips on how you can save energy and lower your bills.

If you would like to make monthly instalment payments, you may be eligible to sign up to Dodo SmartPay.

If you don’t have a smart meter that can be read remotely, your meter needs to be read in person. Sometimes the meter reader may have issues accessing your meter.  This usually happens if you meter has been installed indoors, is behind a locked gate or is guarded by a pet pooch.

The best way to avoid an estimated read is to make sure there’s always easy and safe access to your meter.