Getting started

You can arrange connection by calling our Contact Centre 13 Dodo (13 36 36), our friendly sales staff will not only organise your gas or electricity connection they can also discuss your internet and telecommunication needs.

Please have the full address of your new premises, identification, such as your driver's licence number, and at least one contact phone number available. Make sure you give at least three business days notice to allow us time to organise your connection.

You can also complete an online sign up form and our Customer Service team will promptly action your request.

To use our online sign up page click here.


Your Energy Market Contract is subject to a cooling-off period (generally 10 business days), which is specified in our Market Contract Summary.

If you cancel or withdraw your Energy Market Contract during the cooling-off period and we’re responsible for the Supply Address immediately before the Market contract starts, we’ll continue to sell you energy at the Standing Offer prices relevant to the Supply Address.  

Where we’re not responsible for the Supply Address, but the start date of the Market Contract falls within the cooling-off period, we will transfer the Supply Address back to the energy retailer who was previously responsible for that Supply Address.

Your reasons for choosing a particular supplier can be varied but there are some important factors to consider.


Your gas or electricity bill is calculated using several different components. These include distribution charges, regulated market charges, supply charges and GST as well as the cost of the energy used. When you compare different rates it is important you take into account all aspects of your bill.

Payment options.

Do the payment options the retailer offers suit your financial situation.


With today's fast paced lifestyle you want to know you are going to receive good service no matter whom you are dealing with. You need to know you will get a fast, reliable response when you have a question, or want advice or information.

Other Considerations.

Some of the other things to look for when comparing energy offers are any early termination or exit fees that may apply, and any other discounts, charges and services which will be included in the market contract.

Market contract.

A market contract is a contract negotiated between you and a retailer. Unlike a deemed or standing offer contracts, the Essential Services Commission does not oversee the terms and conditions, and the prices do not have to be published by the retailer. Market contracts may have a fixed term (generally between one and three years).

Standing Offer contract.

This is a contract where the contract terms are approved by the Essential Services Commission and at prices that are periodically published by each retailer and are available on their websites. Standing Offer contracts must be offered to you by the retailer who is Financially Responsible for the energy supplied to the meter, where you do not want to have a Market contract with a retailer of your choice.

If you do not know who is responsible is for your meter, you can call your distributor, who is able to determine which retailer is responsible.

Deemed contract.

This is the type of contract you will be on if move into a premises, start consuming energy, and do not enter into a specific contract with a retailer. A deemed contract will be between you and the retailer who is Financially Responsible for the meter at the premise.

Deemed and Standing Contracts have Terms and Conditions that are approved by the Essential Services Commission and prices that are periodically published by each retailer and are available on their websites.

Dual fuel contract.

Dual fuel contracts are a special type of market contract where you buy your gas and electricity from one retailer and your billing cycles for gas and electricity are synchronised. Dodo Electricity & Gas does not offer dual fuel contracts.

Dodo is a one stop shop that provides customers with a number of essential services including electricity, gas, internet and mobile. Customers can save with a bundled internet service.

From competitive pricing to flexible payment options, Dodo Power & Gas offers customers value for money.

Click to view our plans.


Bundle your services and save

Did you know that you can save up to $120 a year on your home internet service? Simply bundle your dodo internet with eligible dodo energy products and save!

Once your eligible energy service(s) have been transferred to Dodo and is active, the bundle discount will be applied monthly and will appear on your next monthly bill.


How does it work?

If you live in New South Wales or Victoria you’ll get $5 off* your home internet plan for each active Dodo Electricity or Dodo Gas plan. Services must be held by the same customer.

If you live in Queensland or South Australia you’ll get $5 off* your home internet plan when you bundle an active Dodo Electricity plan. Services must be held by the same customer.


* Savings up to $120 per annum in NSW & VIC and up to $60 per annum in SA & QLD. Dodo do not provide gas services in QLD & SA. Available in selected areas only.


Will I still get my other energy discounts?

Yes you will, having a Bundle Discount will not affect any other Dodo discounts you may have.


Your energy bundle discount will only apply if you have active eligible services, if you cancel one of these, your discount will no longer apply.


There are various state government concessions and rebates available to help low income earners manage their energy accounts. The concession or rebate which you can apply for, and the eligibility requirements, depends upon which state you live in.

Click here for more information about Victorian concessions.

If you would like to confirm if you are eligible for a concession or rebate then call our Contact Centre on 13 Dodo (13 36 36).