Using your FetchTV

Pause, rewind & record

Watch your favourite shows when it suits you. With the ability to pause, rewind, record*, and enjoy a selection of shows on Catch-Up TV.

With the Mighty box you can use record over 500 hours of TV on its 1 terabyte hard drive. You can also use Series Tags to automatically record every episode of your favourite shows. Then we save them in folders, and sort by series and episode number so they're easy to find when you're ready to watch.

*Recording not available on the Mini. Rewinding is only available on the Mini box when a show has been paused.

Free-to-air catch-up TV

Missed a show? Our integrated Free-to-Air Catch-Up apps let you watch shows from last night or last week.


Premium channel catch-up TV

You can enjoy recent shows from selected entertainment channels on demand at any time.

Selected shows available in the Subscription Channel Catch-Up TV apps.

Adding more channels

Channel packs can be added on a month-to-month basis. You can add one or multiple packs, with 5 to choose from:

  • Kids Pack (9 channels)
  • Vibe Pack (12 channels)
  • Variety Pack (9 channels)
  • Knowledge (19 channels)
  • Ultimate Pack (45+ channels, including all of the channels from the above packs)


Adding a channel pack

  1. Select Manage from the main menu and then choose Subscriptions.
  2. Use the directional keys to see available packs. Press ‘select’ to select your channel pack. Explore channels in pack using the directional keys.
  3. Press the green button to subscribe to a pack. Repeat to unsubscribe.

Subscriptions on channel packs are for a minimum of 1 month.

TV store

Accessing the TV store

In the TV Store you can buy individual episodes or full seasons of some of the most popular TV shows.

When you buy a TV episode or season you are buying the right to watch it as often as you like on your current Fetch subscription with your current Fetch Service Provider.

  1. Select TV Store from TV on the main menu and press ‘select’
  2. Select a TV show. The show names and number of seasons and episodes available are shown.
  3. Use the directional keys to navigate and ‘select’ to make your selection.


Making a purchase

  1. Use the directional keys to select show from TV Store and press ‘select’.
  2. From the Season details screen, you can select to watch the full screen trailer (if available), buy the season or add the show to your Wishlist in Menu > My Stuff > TV Shows.
  3. To buy an episode rather than the whole season, use the directional keys to highlight Episodes and press ‘select’. Choose the episode you’d like to purchase.
  4. To buy an episode or season, you’ll be asked to enter your Parental PIN and press ‘select’ . You can choose to buy the SD or HD format if available.
  5. If your purchase is successful the first available episode will download ready to play.
Movie store

The Movie Store offers over 8000 movies to buy or rent, ready to watch whenever you want. The cost of movies you rent or buy will be added to your Fetch account.

When you buy or rent a movie you will be prompted to enter your PIN number. Go to Menu > Movies > Movie Store.


Renting and buying movies

When you rent a movie from the Movie Store you have 7 days to start watching, and 48 hours to watch from when you first press play.

You can watch the movie as often as you want during this time.

When you buy a movie you are buying the right to watch it as often as you like on your current Fetch subscription with your current Fetch Service Provider.

  1. To buy or rent a movie use the directional keys to select movie and press ‘select’.
  2. From the movie details screen, you can select to watch the full screen trailer (if available), rent or buy the movie or add the movie to your Wishlist.
  3. To get a movie you will be prompted to enter your Parental PIN and press ‘select’ . You can choose to rent or buy the SD or HD format if available.
  4. If your purchase is successful a “P“will replace the “$” on the title image and the movie will download ready to play.


Finding your movies

To find the movies you have rented or bought go to Menu > My Stuff > Movies > My Movies

Purchase limits

When buying or renting FetchTV content, there is a monthly limit of 5 purchases, this is to prevent you from "bill shock" at the end of your billing cycle. 

Once the limit has been reached you will see "You have reached the purchase limit of 5 in the last 30 days" displayed on your FetchTV box.

The limit will automatically reset at the end of your billing cycle.

Setting parental level

Use the directional keys to set the parental level you want and press 'select'.


Parental PIN

By default the parental PIN is 0000. We recommend that you change this as soon as you activate your FetchTV service.

The PIN allows you to block certain channels and any downloaded content based on it's classification.

It is also required to access may of the set top box settings, and is required when making a purchase.


Changing your PIN

  1. On your remote control: Press 'Menu' to access the main menu.
  2. Using the navigation buttons: Select 'Manage' then 'Settings'
  3. In the Settings menu, select 'Parental Controls'
  4. Select 'Parental PIN Change'
  5. Enter your existing PIN (default is 0000)
  6. Select and enter a new PIN
  7. Confirm the new PIN