Electricity & Gas

Paying your bills

We know that there are times when paying bills can be tough, and we’re here to support you.
If your circumstances have changed and you need assistance paying your bills, there are options available to you.
You can access various payment support options by contacting our Credit Solutions Specialists here, where you can;

  • Request a short or medium term payment arrangement based on what you can afford
  • Request a payment extension for one billing cycle

For longer term payment arrangements and specialised payment support, you can access our Energy Assistance Program.

Find out about the energy grants, rebates and concessions that you may be eligible for.
If you are looking at ways to reduce energy consumption, take a look at our energy saving tips.

Government assistance

NSW - Apply for Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) | Service NSW
QLD - Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme (HEEAS) application form | Queensland Government
SA - SA.GOV.AU - Emergency help with finances
VIC - Utility relief grant scheme - DFFH Services Dodo's URG's Page Link Utility Relief Grant Scheme (URGS) | Dodo

Life Support

If you or someone in your household uses Life Support Equipment, it is important that you let us know right away (if you have not already) by calling contacting us here.

Your bill frequency varies depending on the fuel type and the state you live in.

  • Natural gas is typically billed quarterly in NSW and every two months in Victoria.
  • Electricity is billed quarterly in NSW, SA and Queensland.  If you live in Victoria and have a remotely read smart meter, you can receive a monthly bill.  If you would like to switch to a monthly bill, please call us on 13 36 36 (Monday - Friday, 8am to 7pm).

If you’ve received an energy invoice that’s higher than usual, it could be due to a number of different reasons.

We have listed some of the more commonly occurring reasons below.


Estimated Invoice

  • It’s possible that you have received a higher invoice as it is an estimated read.  Your invoice could have been estimated because
    • The meter reader had difficulty accessing your meter.  This usually happens if your meter has been installed indoors, is behind a locked gate or is guarded by a pet pooch.
    • If you have a smart meter, connection dropouts can sometimes happen.  In this case, your distributor or meter data provider sends DPG an estimate based on your past usage.
    • Bad weather
  • To avoid estimated invoices, you should always ensure safe and unhindered access to your meter.

    You can also submit your own meter reads.

    Learn more on How to read your meter


Change in season

  • Hot summers and cold winters can be contributing factors in a high bill.  Use of cooling and heating appliances can increase your usage.
  • To check if you are using more energy than usual, you can compare your usage to the same time last year.


Billing period

  • Your energy invoice rarely has the exact number of days in each billing period.
  • As such, your higher invoice could be due to a greater number of days in the billing period.
  • You can check the number of days in your billing cycle in the “Understand your bill” section.


Previous invoice

  • Has a balance from your previous invoice been brought forward?  You can find out by checking the “Balance Brought Forward” in the “Understand your bill” section.


Price increase

  • Has a price increase occurred during your billing period.
  • You will be notified of all price changes in advance.


Change in solar tariff

  • Occasionally, the solar feed-in-tariff may change. If you tariff changes, we will notify you ahead of the change.
  • You can see your solar credits in the “Rate description” section of “Understand your bill”.



  • If you've recently bought new appliances, they may be consuming more power than you realise - particularly if the appliance uses stand-by power.
  • Are there any faulty or old appliances that could be using more energy?  To find how much energy your appliances use, visit https://calculator.energyrating.gov.au/


Spending more time at home

  • If you are spending more time working from home, the kids are on school holidays or you've got friends or family visiting, spending more time at home may be the cause of a higher invoice.


Recent move

  • If you have moved recently, your new home may be larger, less energy efficient or your tariff or pricing may be different.



  • Check on your invoice to see if the relevant concessions, rebates or grants have been applied.
  • They should appear in the “Credits” section under “Understand your bill”.


Read our energy tips on how you can save energy and lower your bills.

If you would like to make monthly instalment payments, you may be eligible to sign up to Dodo SmartPay.

You can receive your bill 

  • Electronically – you will be sent an email letting you know that you can view your bill via MyDodo.  There are no fees for eBills.
  • In the mail – you can choose to receive a printed bill, however, there is a printed bill fee applicable (except in NSW).

Click the link for Additional Retail Charges

If you don’t have a smart meter that can be read remotely, your meter needs to be read in person. Sometimes the meter reader may have issues accessing your meter.  This usually happens if you meter has been installed indoors, is behind a locked gate or is guarded by a pet pooch.

The best way to avoid an estimated read is to make sure there’s always easy and safe access to your meter.

All energy retailers are required to include a “Best Offer” (Vic) or “Better Offer” (NSW, SA & Queensland) on the 1st page of your invoice.

This notification will inform you if you are on our lowest cost generally available plan or if there is a lower cost plan available to you.

This calculation is based on your historical annual usage (if available) or an estimate if we do not have 12 months usage data.

If you would like to switch to the Best Offer or Better Offer plan, call us on 13 36 36 (Monday – Friday, 8am to 7pm).


How do I take up the “Best Offer” or “Better Offer”?

GST is included in your gas and electricity rates; the GST amount is mentioned separately.  There may be instances when GST is not included such as $ credits.

Occasionally, you may receive an invoice that is an “estimate”. Generally, this is due to the meter reader being unable to gain safe and easy access to your electricity or gas meter.

To submit a customer read estimate, you will need to

  • Send an email to [email protected] 

  • In the subject line include “Customer read estimate & your account number” 

  • Include the following in the body of the email

    • National Metering Identifier (NMI) for electricity, Delivery Point identifier (DPI) for gas in NSW or Meter Identification Reference Number (MIRN) for gas in all other states. This information can be found at the top right of your invoice.

    • A photo of your meter that has the date and time stamp clearly visible.  The photo should clearly show the meter serial number which is the unique link to your premises and account. 

Once your customer read estimate has been submitted, we will re-issue your bill if required. 

To avoid receiving an estimated bill, always ensure that there is unhindered access to you gas and electricity meter.

You can find your next scheduled meter read on your bill in the Additional Information under the heading “Access to meters”.  

Instructions on reading your meter

Occupier bills are sent to customers when Dodo Power and Gas supplies the premises with gas and/or electricity, however, we do not have your personal details to establish a gas and/or electricity account in your name.  While you have the status “occupier”, you will be priced according to the default offer, which is generally higher than our market offer.

It is important that you contact our Customer Care team on 13 36 36 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 7pm AEST) who will assist in setting up your account.  You can switch to another energy retailer, however are liable for the amount on the Occupier Bill. 

There are several convenient ways that you can pay your electricity or gas account. Choose from the following options.

Direct debit is an easy way to ensure that your invoices are paid on time and guarantee your pay by due date discounts (if applicable). You will receive your invoice to review before the payment is automatically deducted.


  • Direct debit from your credit card, debit card or bank account using My Dodo (Direct debits from a Visa or MasterCard or your bank account are free of charge).

  • BPAY – use Biller Code 126326 and the reference number on your invoice.

In Person

  • Pay at any Post Office (ensure you take the first page of your invoice which has the bar code).

Some payment channels attract a transaction fee.

Click the link for Additional Retail Charges

Energy bills fluctuate throughout the seasons. We generally use more energy for heating in winter and more energy for cooling in summer. 

This is where Dodo SmartPay can help. Dodo SmartPay provides you a flexible payment option that allows you to make regular instalment payments by direct debit each month.

Using Dodo SmartPay to pay smaller amounts more frequently can be an excellent way to manage energy bills that fluctuate depending on the season.

Refer to Dodo SmartPay Terms & Conditions in detail.


Dodo SmartPay would suit you if you wanted to;

  • Reduce the impact of peak summer & winter bills
  • Organise household expenses into an easy regular payment
  • Create more financial certainty for household budgeting
  • Align Dodo SmartPay instalments to when you get paid


Dodo SmartPay is available to residential customers who

  • are on a non-monthly billing cycle;
  • are on a post paid product;
  • are required to pay by direct debit from debit or credit card or bank account
  • are not in arrears by greater than $350 on the energy account; and
  • are not on an existing payment arrangement, payment plan or hardship plan with Dodo Power & Gas.

It is easy to set up Dodo SmartPay whether a new or existing Dodo customer.

  • New Dodo Power & Gas customers

If you are a new customer signing up via our Energy Specialists, you can take up Dodo SmartPay while setting up your electricity or gas accounts.  Customers will need to select a monthly amount for each fuel (amounts for electricity and gas can be different)  and the date each month for the direct debit to occur.

  • Existing Dodo Power & Gas customers

If you are an existing customer that is eligible, you can take up Dodo SmartPay by contacting one of our Energy Specialists on 13 36 36. 

To ensure that you are eligible, refer to our Dodo SmartPay Terms & Conditions

Once you have set up Dodo SmartPay you will receive the Terms and Conditions, either as part of your Welcome Pack or separately (if you are an existing Dodo Power & Gas customer). If you have set up a new account, the first direct debit will occur subsequent to the cooling off period.

Your monthly instalments will be debited from your nominated account on the date you have selected. You will continue to receive regular bills that will detail your Dodo SmartPay instalments. You are required to pay any outstanding amounts in full on the due date. 

You can also change the amount and direct debit date of the Dodo SmartPay instalments.

If your aggregate Dodo SmartPay instalments are less than the total amount due, you will be required to pay in full the remaining amount.  If your account is in credit, the credit will be carried forward to the next billing cycle, or you can request a refund via MyDodo.

If you do not meet the Dodo SmartPay eligibility criteria, your Dodo SmartPay may be stopped or cancelled.

The monthly payment amount is up to you.

Here are some suggestions for calculating your Dodo SmartPay instalments.

  • If you have 12 month’s of electricity and gas bills at your current address, you could calculate the monthly average to inform the Dodo SmartPay instalments that you need to choose for your electricity or gas account.

  • If you have less than a year’s worth of electricity and gas bills, you could get an estimate of your usage (weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually) by entering your address at signup.dodo.com.  You could use this usage estimate to assist in calculating the amount of your monthly Dodo SmartPay instalments.

Remember gas and electricity usage can vary for a number of reasons including if you’ve been using appliances that use more energy, have had more people than normal staying in the house or if the weather has been colder or hotter than usual.

You can set up or amend your direct debit payments by

  • Logging into MyDodo or
  • Calling us on 13 36 36 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 7pm AEST)

To cancel your direct debit payments,

  • Call us on 13 36 36 (Monday – Friday, 8am – 7pm AEST)


  • You need to provide us at least 3 business days to set up, amend or cancel your direct debit payment
  • There is no charge on direct debit payments made from a MasterCard or Visa, or from a bank account

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please click here to review our policy 

Yes, there are a couple of different ways to pay your bill in instalments.

  • If you want a regular “set and forget” amount to be debited each month, you can sign up to Dodo SmartPay. With Dodo SmartPay, you get to choose the amount and date when you want the instalments to be debited. Eligibility criteria applies. (Remember, direct debits from a Visa, Master Card or your bank account are free of charge.)
  • You can also log in to MyDodo to make ad hoc payments towards your gas or electricity bill.

If there are insufficient funds in your account, your payment will default which may incur a dishonour fee.  

If you usually pay your bill by direct debit, it is important that you notify us at least three days before your payment is due.  Please call us on 13 36 36 (Monday - Friday, 8am to 7pm).

You can set up, amend or cancel your direct debit payments by;

  • Logging into MyDodo.


  • Contacting our customer service team here.



You need to provide us at least 3 business days to set up, amend or cancel your direct debit payment.

There is no charge on direct debit payments made from a MasterCard or Visa, or from a bank account.

If you’d like to discuss the amount due on your account, please call us on 13 36 36 (Monday - Friday, 8am to 7pm) at least three business days before your direct debit is due.

You can request for a refund online!

  • Log on to MyDodo 
    • Go to Billing and Payment in top navigation panel
    • Click on Credit Overview
    • Select the account you wish to request a refund for
    • Enter the amount you wish to be refunded
    • You’ll receive an SMS once refund is approved
    • The refund will be credited to your BSB

If you have a smart meter, the bill you receive will be based on an actual read. 

If you have a basic meter, the bill you receive will have either an actual or an estimated read. 

In most cases your meter reading will be based on the actual amount of electricity used. 

However, if your meter cannot be accessed or read, you will receive an estimate.