Usage summary
Log in to MyDodo to check your mobile usage. Select your mobile from ‘My services’ and you will see a summary of your remaining data and international calling credit.
We will also send you SMS notifications to let you know when you have 1GB of data remaining, 500MB of data remaining, an when you have exhausted your data allowance.
Once you have used your data allowance plus eligible banked data your speed will be slowed, however you won’t be charged any excess data fees!. You can purchase an additional 5GB of data for $10 via MyDodo.
*If you’re on an older plan (signed up before March 1 2023) we will send you SMS notifications to let you know once you have used 50%, 85% and 100% of your included data allowance, and be subject to excess data charges. Please refer to your plan details for information on your inclusions.
If you signed up for Dodo Mobile after March 1 2023, click here to see what Add-ons are available!