Concessions may be available to individuals and families who receive income support payments from the Commonwealth Government and who have an appropriate Commonwealth concession card. The concession or rebate which you can apply for, and the eligibility requirements, depends upon which state you live in.
Eligible cards include the Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card, or an appropriate Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card. Please note that the account or bill of the person obtaining the concession must be in the name of the primary concession card holder.
Each State Government has different guidelines about the eligibility for energy related concession or rebates.
We will provide you with information on concessions, rebates, or grants upon request by you.
We will automatically apply any concessions or rebates that you may be eligible for providing you have supplied us the appropriate details of your eligibility for the Concession or rebate and that you have agreed to share that information with the Centrelink and the relevant State or Federal government agency.
Some concessions require the applicant to provide a completed form from a Doctor. If you are unsure if you are eligible for a concession please call us on 13 dodo (13 36 36).
Concessions forms
Please download, complete and have signed by a medical practitioner the appropriate form, and return to it to Dodo Power & Gas at Dodo Power & Gas (Life Support) PO Box 631 Collins St West, Melbourne VIC 8007.
Victorian Life Support and Medical Cooling concession forms:
- Life Support Concession and Machine Notification Application Form (PDF)
- Medical Cooling Concession Application Form (PDF)
Please use the attached accessible forms if you need a form that can be more easily read by a computer.
For more Information please see:
New South Wales
New South Wales Life Support and Medical Cooling rebate forms:
For more Information please see:
You may qualify for concessions entitlements administered by the NSW Government. Please refer to the information below for further information:
- Arabic الرجاء النقر هنا لمزيد من المعلومات حول خصومات الطاقة في نيو ساوث ويلز
- Chinese 单击此处了解有关新南威尔士州能源账单折扣的更多信息
- German Klicken Sie hier, um weitere Informationen zu Rabatten auf Ihre (NSW) -Energierechnungen zu erhalten
- Greek Κάντε κλικ εδώ για να μάθετε περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις εκπτώσεις στους λογαριασμούς ενέργειας - Νέα Νότια Ουαλία (NSW)
- Italian Fare clic qui per ulteriori informazioni sugli sconti sulle bollette energetiche del - Nuovo Galles del Sud (NSW)
- Spanish Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre los reembolsos en sus facturas de energía de - Nueva Gales del Sur (NSW)
- Vietnamese Nhấp vào đây để tìm hiểu thêm thông tin về các khoản giảm giá trên hóa đơn năng lượng NSW của bạn
- If you need an interpreter, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask to be connected to Dodo on (03) 8256 6717 during normal business hours 8am-6pm EST Mon-Fri
Queensland Life Support and Medical Cooling concession forms:
For more Information please see:
South Australia
South Australian Life Support form and Medical Cooling concession form:
For more Information please see: